This time Perry is embarking on an immoral cover-up of epic proportions. Perry fired respected members of the Forensic Science Commission to derail their planned hearing to publicly investigate the execution of a Texan in 2004, that many legal experts, feel was innocent.
Apparently Rick Perry is afraid of shining the public light of independent investigation on the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham.
Don’t take my word for it–here is what some of the most respected publications in Texas said:
You know what you call it when an innocent person is executed? Murder.
As your next Governor, I’ll give the power back to the people of Texas. We’ll establish the Timothy Cole Commission to ensure that no more innocent people are murdered by Rick Perry’s administration.
Do your part to take the power away from professional politicians like Rick Perry, and give the power back to the people of Texas. Your contribution of $5, $10 or $20 will help us take our message directly to Texas voters, so please click hereto contribute today.
Texas Moratorium Network (TMN) is a non-profit organization with the primary goal of mobilizing statewide support for a moratorium on executions in Texas. Significant death penalty reform in Texas, including a moratorium on executions, is a viable goal if the public is educated on the death penalty system and is encouraged to contact their elected representatives to urge passage of moratorium legislation.
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