Everytime someone is executed a whole new set of victims is created, members of the family of the person executed. Parents lose children, children lose a parent. Tuesday in Texas, Lamont Reese was executed. The Huntsville Item reported on his mother’s reaction:
As soon as Lamont Reese received the lethal dose Tuesday night, he spoke.
“This is some nasty,” he said, referring to the taste many condemned prisoners say they notice in the seconds before death.
With that, Reese, 28, drew his last breath, and his mother broke down. Brenda Reese, Lamont’s mother, had been talking calmly through the glass separating she and her son until he drew his final breath.
“No, Jesus,” she screamed and began beating on the window. “God, he felt that. They killed my baby.
“Please Jesus,” she cried and pleaded. “Don’t do it. Oh, God, Jesus, please don’t.”
Family members surrounded Reese in the witness room at the Huntsville “Walls” Unit, trying to comfort her in the moments after her son’s death. “Oh God, Jesus,” she began to chant. “Oh God, Jesus. My baby’s gone.”
With that, Reese began to kick the wall separating her side of the witness room and the victim’s witnesses, kicking 2 small holes in the wall.
After her outburst, Reese was asked to leave the room by TDCJ personnel.
Her family physically helped her out of the room. As they walked out of
the death chamber, a family member began to sing softly, “He’s got the
whole world, in His hands. He’s got the whole, wide world in His hands.”