Michael Griffith is scheduled for execution today in Texas. He is the first of five people to be executed in Texas in June 2007. Griffith is a former Harris County sheriff’s deputy.
Write Gov Perry to Protest the Execution of Michael Griffith
Griffith lost his job as sheriff’s deputy due to his violent history of domestic abuse. During his trial, his first wife testified that Griffith broke her ribs and injured their eldest daughter. Girlfriends of Griffith also testified that he was abusive to them, according to CHNI.
In October of 2003, Griffith’s sentence was upheld, by the Texas Court of Appeals. He was also denied appeals into federal courts by the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in July 2006, and the Supreme Court also refused to hear the case.
Two psychologosts testified at the trial that Griffith would not be a threat to anyone while he was incarcerated, according to the NCADP website, but the death sentence was given to Griffith regardless.
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