Go to the Abolish the Death Penalty project on Amazee and add it to your Facebook profile. You could help us win $1,000 to use against the death penalty.


Go to the link above and click on the blue button that says “Add to Facebook” on the right side of the page.

This contest ends on April 5. We are currently in second plase, 23 people behind first place. The project that has the most people who add the project to their facebook profile wins $1,000, which we will use towards the campaign to pass the bill to end the death penalty under the Law of Parties.

The Law of Parties allows people to be sentenced to death even though they did not kill anyone. Kenneth Foster, Jeff Wood and others were sentenced to death under the Law of Parties.

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One Response to Help Us Win $1,000 to Use Against Death Penalty in Texas

  1. wommon4justice says:

    Hi…saw that you are following some of my stuff about Elsa Newman, the Maryland mother unjustly incarcerated while her children were handed over to their father, despite the fact that they had stated he had molested them sexually and abused them in every possible way.

    Willing to help? Please view and sign this petition for Elsa Newman and her children: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/free-elsa-newman–save-her-kids-from-abuse

    Aine O’Brocken

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