Upcoming Executions
Click for a list of upcoming scheduled executions in Texas.
The death penalty puts innocent people at risk of execution.
Todd Willingham
Todd Willingham was wrongfully executed under Governor Rick Perry on February 17, 2004.

A State Senator we wrote asking to file a bill to abolish the death penalty has filed a bill to abolish the death penalty. So, we have a senate sponsor of the bill to abolish the death penalty! You can read SB 516 by Senator Sarah Eckhardt of Austin here:

Thank you, Senator Eckhardt! We look forward to a first-time ever Senate committee hearing to completely abolish the death penalty. There has never been a committee hearing in the Senate on a bill to abolish the death penalty.






Rep Harold Dutton of Houston has filed a bill for the 2023 Texas regular legislative session to abolish the death penalty in Texas (HB 918). He has also filed a separate bill, HB 929, that would ban executions for people convicted under the law of parties, such as in the case of Jeff Wood.

23rd Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty is Oct 22, 2022 at 2pm in Austin on the South Steps of the Texas Capitol, speakers include Rodrick Reed and Sandra Reed, brother and mother of Rodney Reed. They were both in Washington D.C. October 10, 2022 for a hearing at the U.S. Supreme Court on Rodney’s case.

Rodney Reed pleads before U.S. Supreme Court for DNA testing that might establish his

The 23rd Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty is at 2 pm on October 22 in Austin.

Sara Hickman has accepted an invitation to perform at the event. She was invited by Terri Been, the sister of Jeff Wood. Jeff is on death row under the Law of Parties for a murder he did not commit. Newrest Funeral


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