We have a winner in our drawing to win a phone call from Sister Helen Prejean.
Terri Been is the winner. She will soon be receiving a personal phone call from the Nobel Prize nominated internationally-known author and anti-death penalty and human rights advocate Sister Helen Prejean.
Terri wrote on Facebook, “Yeahhhhhhh!!!!! I won the phone call from Sister Helen Prejean! I can’t wait to speak with her!!!! Thanks to Scott Cobb of the Texas Moratorium Network for setting up the contest! What a once in a lifetime opportunity!!!!”
Terri’s brother, Jeff Wood, is on death row in Texas, convicted under the Law of Parties even though he never killed anyone. He was outside of a store sitting in a car while his companion went inside and robbed and murdered the clerk of the store.
Thank you very much to Sister Helen for supporting Texas Moratorium Network’s efforts against the death penalty in Texas and for agreeing to take time out of her very busy schedule to speak to Terri on the phone!
We held the drawing primarily on the TMN Facebook page.
Justin DuClos of Massachusetts is the winner of the second place prize, a signed copy of the book Mortal Justice by Jeanette Popp and Wanda Evans. The book tells the story of the murder of Jeanette’s daughter Nancy and Jeanette’s long activism against the death penalty. Two men were wrongfully convicted of the murder and spent 12 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. When the real killer was discovered and convicted, Jeanette met with the killer in a jail in Austin Texas and told him that she did not want him to receive the death penalty.
You can learn more about Sister Helen Prejean on her websites.