“The prosecutor who was responsible for sending Anthony Graves, an innocent man, to death row should be prosecuted for misconduct, including official oppression or other charges. In addition, legislators should enact a moratorium on executions in the next legislative session. A moratorium is the best way to ensure that needed reforms or implemented to prevent innocent people from being sent to death row and possibly executed before they can prove their innocence”, said Scott Cobb, president of Texas Moratorium Network.
Prosecutors today blasted Charles Sebesta, the former district attorney for Washington and Burleson counties, accusing him of hiding evidence and tampering, then threatening witnesses to convict Anthony Graves of capital murder in 1994.Graves was released from jail Wednesday after spending 18 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit.Answering questions about the release today, Kelly Siegler, a special prosecutor working for District Attorney Bill Parham, said the case was “horrible.”“Charles Sebasta handled this case in a way that could best be described as a criminal justice system’s nightmare,” Siegler said. “It’s a travesty, what happened in Anthony Graves’ trial.”
The 11th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty is this Saturday October 30 at 2 PM at the Texas Capitol in Austin.