Join the Central Texas Chapter on Thursday, February 17th as we present our 2010 Civil Libertarian of the Year Award to Judge Charlie Baird. Click here for the Facebook event page.
“Thank You Charlie Baird!”
Thursday, February 17th, 6pm, Victory Grill
1104 E. 11th Street, Austin, TX, 78702
Open to the public; no admission charged
Open to the public; no admission charged
Judge Charlie Baird, having stepped down from the 299th District Court of Travis County December 31, 2010, and now entering private practice in the woman-owned Fowler Law Firm, will be honored by the community for his work on the bench. Judge Baird led the justice system in his work on defending the innocently-incarcerated and with restorative justice solutions. He favored rehabilitative efforts for non-violent offenders not just as a means to give offenders a chance to succeed in life, but to decrease the burden on society and taxpayers. Fair-minded, compassionate and thoughtful, attorneys and defendants alike respected his approach and diligence to due process. He is also the first judge in the nation to preside over a posthumous exoneration, that of Timothy Cole.
The ACLU-TX, Central Texas Chapter is mobilizing the community to honor his work and wish him well as he ventures into the private realm and will present Judge Baird with its “Civil Libertarian of the Year” award for 2010 at this event. NAACP-Austin, Gray Panthers-Austin, LULAC-District 12, Austin AFL-CIO Council, Witness to Innocence, Black Austin Democrats, Texas Moratorium Network, several law firms and many others are already co-sponsoring this event, and bringing their own accolades to present Judge Baird.
All firms, groups and individuals are welcome to contact Debbie Russell,, if they wish to co-sponsor the event as well. Community groups/non-profits need not donate funds to sponsor.
For donating to the event (and becoming a member of ACLU-TX), you can go here, and in the “other” box, type the donation amount plus “for CTCLU Baird event” or one can simply bring a check with them made out to ACLU-TX, or if not wanting to donate to us, write a check to “The Victory Grill.”
For donating to the event (and becoming a member of ACLU-TX), you can go here, and in the “other” box, type the donation amount plus “for CTCLU Baird event” or one can simply bring a check with them made out to ACLU-TX, or if not wanting to donate to us, write a check to “The Victory Grill.”