Rep Dutton has filed bills to abolish the death penalty and to enact a moratorium on executions and create a death penalty study commission. Watch video of Rep Dutton speaking at rally on the “Day of Innocence” March 16, 2011.
People working to stop executions in Texas spent the day on Wednesday, March 16, lobbying Texas legislators during the “Day of Innocence” and Statewide Texas Lobby Day Against the Death Penalty.
Special guests on the “Day of Innocence” included death row exonerees who together spent many years on death row for crimes they did not commit: Clarence Brandley, Shujaa Graham, Ron Keine, and Albert Burrell.
“It is time for the Texas Legislature to pass reforms that will protect innocent people from the injustice of wrongful convictions and to stop executions with a moratorium on executions. Participants in the Lobby Day will also advocate for the two bills filed to abolish the death penalty or any death penalty related bill that is important to them, such as the bill requiring separate trials in death penalty cases or the Law of Parties bill”, said Scott Cobb, president of Texas Moratorium Network.