Stop the Execution of Troy Davis: Solidarity Rally in Austin!
Troy Davis was sentenced to death in Georgia for the 1989 killing of police officer Mark Allen MacPhail in Savannah, Georgia. His sentencing was in spite of the fact that there was no physical evidence linking him to the crime, nor was a murder weapon ever found. He was convicted solely on the testimony of 9 witnesses.
Seven of these witnesses have now recanted their testimony and several say they were pressured by the police to identify Troy as the shooter. One of the remaining witnesses was Sylvester Coles, who was initially a suspect and in fact admitted he was carrying the same caliber gun used in the murder half an hour before the slaying took place.
Troy has spent the last two decades on death row for a crime he did not commit. He has faced three execution dates and is now facing his fourth date on September 21st. Please show your support for this innocent man and put public pressure on the Georgia Parole Board to grant Troy clemency.
For more information about the case of Troy Davis, please visit or visit the CEDP Austin Facebook page at