Texas Moratorium Network has drafted a letter to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles seeking clemency for Johnny Martinez. Nothing so unusual about that, except in this case the mother of the murdered Clay Peterson has also requested a life sentence instead of death. Supprt victim’s rights and contact them too.

Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
Gerald Garrett, Chairman

Executive Clemency Section
P.O. Box 13401, Capitol Station
Austin,Texas 78711

RE: Clemency for Johnny Martinez

May 16, 2002

Dear Mr Garrett:,

I am writing to appeal for clemency for Johnny Martinez, who was convicted 
of murdering Clay Peterson. The mother of Mr. Peterson has already written 
you asking you to spare the life of her son’s killer. The father of the 
victim has also said that he would like to see Mr Martinez spared execution 
because he does “not believe that (his son) would have demanded the Old 
Testament punishment of an eye for an eye, but instead would have followed 
the teachings of Christ to forgive not seven times, but seventy times 

Texas should respect the viewpoints of the parents of the murder victim in 
this case. The parents know best what Mr Peterson would have wanted. Please 
vote to commute Mr Martinez’s sentence to life in prison.

Please hold a public hearing, so that the parents of the murder victim can 
appeal to the entire board on behalf of their murdered son. Texas should 
respect the viewpoints of parents of murder victims when they ask for 
clemency for the murderers of their children.


Scott Cobb

Here’s a second letter from another of our members.

May 17, 2002

Chairman Gerald Garrett
Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles
P.O. Box 13401, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711

RE: Clemency for Johnny Martinez

Dear Chairman Garrett:

Lana Norris recently wrote you asking that her son’s killer be sentenced to 
life, rather than executed. Clay Peterson’s father also said that he 
doesn’t believe his son, a devout Christian, would have wanted his killer to 
be executed. Both said they were never consulted when the DA decided to 
seek the death penalty against Johnny Martinez.

The victim’s family must be heard. It is not fair nor moral for the state 
to support victims’ families who wish to execute while ignoring the wishes 
of a family that does not want their son’s killer executed.

Texas Moratorium Network appeals for clemency for Johnny Martinez. Mr. 
Martinez had never before been convicted of a violent crime and has never 
been violent in prison. At the very least, please hold a public hearing so 
that the victim’s family may speak to the entire board about its wishes.

Texas Moratorium Network, an organization with a growing support base of 
more than 6,000 people across the state of Texas, is working to establish a 
moratorium on executions, so that a Texas Capital Punishment Commission can 
conduct a comprehensive study of the death penalty system in our state.

Thank you for your consideration,


Margaret Fehrenbach
Texas Moratorium Network

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