Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark said Monday the agency has received court documents setting 42-year-old Jeffrey Wood for lethal injection Aug. 24. Wood was convicted under the Texas law of parties, which makes the participant in a capital murder equally culpable of the crime. Evidence showed his roommate, Daniel Reneau, fatally shot 31-year-old Kerrville store clerk Kriss Keeran.
Reneau was executed in 2002.
Rep. Harold Dutton’s bill to ban the death penalty in law of parties cases (HB 341) was approved by the Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence in the 2015 session. The committee recommended that it “be reported favorably to the full house with the recommendation that it do pass”. The vote was 4-2. Two Republicans and two Democrats voted yes.
End the death penalty. Start with the law of parties.