Both Rep Jeff Leach’s and Rep Harold Dutton’s separate bills to prohibit the death penalty in law of parties cases have passed the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence and will now go to the Calendars Committee to be voted on whether to be sent to the full House for a vote. The votes on both were 7-2.
The Law of Parties bill by Rep Leach has several co-authors now, including two more Republicans, Rep. Smithee and Rep. Patterson. Rep. Dutton also signed on to the Leach bill.…
Leach 01/25/2021
Thompson, Senfronia 04/15/2021
Dutton 04/15/2021
Smithee 04/15/2021
Coauthors (2) Date Signed On
Ordaz Perez 03/24/2021
Patterson 04/12/2021