Patrick Knight has a MySpace page which is run by one of his friends outside prison since they don’t have computers or internet access on death row. Knight is scheduled for execution in Texas on June 26 this year. You can write Governor Perry to protest this execution. Knight himself has come up with an idea for bringing attention to his execution. He is having a joke contest. From his MySpace:
I recently received a letter from Patrick Knight, a death row inmate in the Polunsky Unit in Texas. He has an execution date of June 26th 2007. In his own words “I’ll be enjoying my last days on this earth. I’m not asking for any pen pals but I am asking you to spread the word that I am holding a contest. I want people to send me their best jokes, to keep me and the others with dates, laughing!”
The best joke, which will be determined by the inmates on death watch and will be recited in Patrick’s “Last Statement”. Instead of “Dead Man Walking” he will be “Dead Man Laughing”.
Send jokes to:
Patrick Knight #999072
Polunsky Unit
3872 FM 350 S.
Livingston, Texas 77351
(As the needle goes in):
wow !! i know lots of
people who would die
for a fix like this.
He is just asking for a joke before he dies…I want to send one; what is the address. I believe the death penalty is wrong. We do a lot of bad things in our lives, but what about if we regret and become better people? Shame on the person whi “created” such a cruel and cold punishment.
Some people are just no good, and the world is a better place without them.
Patrick Knight, who kidnapped and executed his two elderly neighbors simply because “we didn’t get along”, is one such person.
I’ll dance a little jig around 6:30 tonight knowing that he’s gone.
It also spells political trouble for Governor Perry as he faces an election race this November. Many of the arson panel’s conclusions had been reached even before Willingham’s execution, by a Cambridge-educated arson expert called Gerald Hurst, who passed on his findings to the Governor’s office.
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