Last Friday, we set a goal of reaching 1,000 people signing the petition to Save Jeff Wood over the weekend. By Monday, more than 1,300 had signed the petition and more than 300 people took the time to write a personal letter to Governor Perry and the Board of Pardons and Paroles asking for clemency for Jeff Wood.

The new goal is to have 5,000 people sign the petition and 1,000 people send letters to Perry.

Here are a few of the pleas for clemency.

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

Please give clemency to Jeff Woods and commute his death sentence. Although he acted as an accessory to the robbery, he was not the actual murderer. The death penalty is too harsh of a sentence.
Pasadena, TX

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

The Law of Parties takes no account of individual action. Jeff Wood should not die because his partner in crime made a rash and tragic decision to which Wood did not contribute and could not control. The victim’s family’s support of commutation speaks volumes in this instance and should be taken into account.

New Haven, CT

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

Based on the circumstances of the crime and the extent of Mr. Wood’s participation in it, it seems terribly unfair to put him to death. By any argument this sort of brutal disregard for the facts is certainly unconstitutional, it qualifies as unusual punishment. Whenever the law is abused for political or emotional purposes it weakens the respect for it. Please commute Mr. Wood’s sentence to more appropriately punish him for his participation in the crime.

Livonia, MI

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

If the state wants to execute a citizen who commits a brutal murder, like Daniel Reneau did, that’s fine. But to execute a citizen who did not commit murder, that’s just WRONG Jeff Wood did not know that Reneau was going to kill this victim, so why should Mr. Wood be killed? It’s true, that Mr. Wood should not have assisted Daniel Reneau in any way, and there should be consequences for this. But those consequences should not be dealth.

It’s easy to go along with an execution, when it doesn’t affect you or anyone in your family. But think of Jeff Wood, who is about to soon face his death, for waiting for the shooter. but having no idea that he would be killing Kris Keeran. He should face some consequences, not not the loss of his life. To kill Jeff Woods is just wrong.

Austin, TX

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

Please grant clemency to Mr. Jeffrey Wood. No person should be executed under the Law of Parties, if they did not actually cause the death of another individual. Gov. Perry did the right thing last year when he commuted the death sentence of Kenneth Foster, who also was sentenced under the Law of Parties.

Mr. Wood was not even inside of the store when the murder occurred, and he was clearly not the actual shooter. He surely did not intend, at any point, that another individual’s life be lost that day, and his should not be taken in retribution. The person who DID cause this victim’s death had already been executed by the State of Texas, so whatever retributive or deterrent value there is in capital punishment has already been served by this first execution.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ithaca, NY

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

Please do not execute Jeff Woods. Although he may have made a mistake, he does not deserve the death penalty for his conduct. Justice can be done without taking this harsh measure.

San Francisco, CA

I am writing to ask that you stop the execution of Jeffrey Wood. I know that you are aware of the arguments supporting the request that you stop the execution, so I will not repeat them so that I can make one simple point:

The man who shot Kris Keeran has already been executed. I ask that you show mercy and judgment in showing the world that Texas is not a blood-thirsty state that cannot differentiate between accomplices and actual wrongdoers.

Please be merciful.

El Paso, TX

Dear Governor Perry, Chairwoman Owens and Members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles,

Executing people under the law of parties is wrong and in my opinion, a gross violation of human rights. The law is intended to be used when 2 or more people conspire to commit murder. Which may sound reasonable; however, it is being used unreasonably against people who have not conspired to commit murder.

Jeff Wood is scheduled to die in August for a murder that he did not commit nor conspire to commit. In fact, the man who actually did do the killing, has already been executed by the state of Texas.

The law of parties is a poorly written law if it allows innocent people to be executed. This law should be thrown out due to the fact that it is terrible.


Austin, TX

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