Ben Gojer, a high school student at Carroll High School in Southlake, Texas has set up a group on Facebook called “Save Jeff Wood”. He heard about Jeff’s case and decided to do something. Thanks, Ben.
Anyone can join Facebook, click here to go to the Facebook group Save Jeff Wood.
From the Facebook group:
Jeff Wood’s execution is scheduled for August 21, 2008. He did not kill anyone. Kenneth Foster was in a similar situation last year, and his sentence was commuted to life after 17,000 people used their voices and petitioned, called, faxed, and wrote to the Governor and the legislature. We can save Jeff from death too, but right now less than 1,500 people have signed his online petition. You can help by signing the petition and writing to the governor, the legislature, and the board of paroles. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU DON’T LIVE IN TEXAS. You can still help prevent this man’s execution. It’s worked before. Use your voice as an American and a human being. And Spread the word! Tell everyone you know!