Rogelio Reyes Cannady is scheduled for execution in Texas on November 19. He is one of three people scheduled to be executed in Texas next week. The Sun in Toronto reports that

Texas officials presented Rogelio Reyes Cannady, 36, with his execution date on Aug. 22. Since then he has been hand writing the daily diary he mails to a friend, who posts it onto the blog, giving the world a rare glimpse into the life of a condemned man.

That friend, Juan Palomo, has visited him on Death Row at least 30 times. During those meetings, “At various points he has expressed remorse … about the way he lived his life, about the deaths of those two young people and the heartache it brought to their families and his family,” Palomo said.

Palomo explains on the blog “Death Watch Journal” how the blog works:

Rogelio writes his journal longhand, in pencil and sends them to me each week. I will post them as soon as possible after I receive them. I welcome your thoughts and will share with him those I believe he will be interested in reading.

I have been corresponding with Rogelio since 1999 and I have visited him periodically since April, 2000. Our last visit was August 30.

Here is an excerpt from Rogelio’s entry from Oct 24:

Late night now. Catching up on last letters, most of the day. I really don’t know how things are going to happen and days are growing shorter, it seems. All you who have written: I may not answer properly unless I get a stay of execution. My stamps and envelopes were on short supply and now gone. Still, they won’t budge on returning my stamps and envelopes. So I have to figure out another way. I am weeks away from my execution and the reason they took my stuff is a joke: they were not marked with my name and number. All of you are in my thoughts and in my heart

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