Terri Hodge’s Law of Parties bill that would end the death penalty under the Law of Parties will be heard in the Capital Punishment Subcommittee at the Texas Legislature next Thursday, March 19. Also they will hear one of the moratorium related bills that would give the governor the power to call a moratorium.
We need as many people as possible to show up for the subcommittee meeting and sign in in favor of HB 2267, the Law of Parties bill. While you are there, you can also sign in to support the other bills on that day’s agenda, including the one to give the governor the power to call a moratorium and the one to create a commission to study the death penalty in Texas.
Criminal Jurisprudence
Capital Punishment
8:00 AM, Thursday, March 19, 2009
Rep. Robert Miklos
Bills on Next Thursday’s Agenda
HB 111
Relating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants.
HB 298
Dutton | et al.
Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 493
Relating to the eligibility for judge-ordered community supervision or for mandatory supervision of a defendant convicted of criminal solicitation of capital murder.
HB 877
Naishtat | et al.
Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas.
HB 2058
Relating to the standards for attorneys representing indigent defendants in capital cases.
HB 2267
Relating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants and the extent of a defendant’s criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in capital felony cases.
HJR 24
Naishtat | et al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to a moratorium on the execution of persons convicted of capital offenses.
Sad, but if this bill would actually pass, do you think Perry would sign it?
I also doubt the Senate would pass it either.
I think it stands a good chance to pass in the House, so one step at a time. Perry could be persuaded to sign it. It contains a provision for having separate trials for co-defendants, which is the reason he gave in 2007 when he commuted the death sentence of Kenneth Foster. Even lots of people who support the death penalty think it should be reserved for the “worst of the worst” offenders and do not think it should be applied to people who do not kill anyone, as it was applied in the case of Kenneth Foster.