The Journey of Hope will have a team in Kentucky, November 2-5, 2009.

Shujaa Graham, murder victim family member and exonerated death row inmate, Terri Steinburg, a mother whose has a young son, Jason, on death row in Virginia, and Bill Pelke, murder victims family member and president of the Journey of Hope will conduct a speaking tour sponsored by the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the death penalty.

Novemer 2:
12p.m-1p.m state of affairs radio show
5:30p.m-7p.m University of Louisville

November 3:
7p.m-8:30p.m Georgetown

November 4:
3:30p.m-5p.m Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) followed by dinner at the Alumni Club with some faculty and staff

November 5:
11a.m-12p.m Bellarmine College
6p.m-7p.m Western Kentucky University (WKU)

To donate to Journey of Hope…from Violence to Healing :
Send checks or money orders to:
Journey of Hope…from Violence to Healing
P.O. Box 210390
Anchorage, AK 99521-0390

or donate on line at

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