Please sign petition for Jeff Wood.


My name is Terri Been and I am a Texas republican who is AGAINST the death penalty. I am sorry to say that it was not always this way as I was raised to believe in the death penalty; BUT my views changed over 10 years ago when I was thrust unwillingly into the Texas Judicial system; at which time my eyes were opened to the complete injustice of our whole system.

See, I am the sister of a man wrongfully convicted under the law of parties in Texas. This man’s name is Jeffery Wood and he is set to die on August 21st, 2008 for a murder he did NOT commit.

I am writing to you because I am feeling helpless, and I do not know what I can do. These days, I find myself slave to the computer…at first I was a slave to the computer waiting for the worst…to see my brother’s name upon the list of those waiting to be executed. That time has come and gone, but I find myself still a slave to the computer in hopes of finding people who can help us in our fight against the Texas Judicial System.

With the execution date set less than 3 months from now, we are running out of time. We are desperate for exposure with people who have some kind of influence on the public, or people who know other people who may be able to help. If you have any thoughts, ideas, or just anything that may help…please feel free to get in touch with me.

We now have a homepage for Jeff in addition to the online petition that is circulating, (which can be found on his homepage at the following web address: under the how to help section). I humbly ask you to help my family by taking a few minutes of your time to read a few facts regarding Jeff’s case and to sign his petition that we will be sending the governor!

While you are on Jeff’s Web Page, I also ask that you take an extra minute or two to look at the other information we have in the how you can help section. For those of you who are familiar with Kenneth Foster’s case (which is very similar to Jeff’s case) it took their family over 17,000messages to the Governor and the Board of Pardons and Paroles to get his sentence commuted to Life. This was accomplished by sending petitions, faxes, letters, and by making phone calls. At this point, I am getting a little worried because we only have 353 signatures on the petition, and while I am eternally grateful for every
single signature.I need more. I need calls, letters and faxes to go along with the petition signatures.

I humbly ask that you help my family. Jeff is my baby brother and he did not kill anybody! Please ask yourselves what you would do if you were in my situation.

While I am trying to save my brother because he is innocent of murder, I am fighting to abolish the death penalty completely. In addition to the protesting and campaigning my family and I have been doing with Capital X lately (not only for my brother, but for all who face the Death Penalty), I wrote an editorial about the death penalty and had it published in the Lampasas and Killeen newspapers. This is posted as a bulletin on my page and is entitled.Are we a leader in Human Rights.
(It is not about Jeff, but the death penalty in general. Please feel free to repost this document if you feel compelled to do so.) Also, please take a few minutes to look at the few videos I have on my page.they are very powerful clips and will make you think…maybe even cry.

If you do decide that you are interested in helping us save my brother’s life; please forward this to as many people as you know. I need at least 1000 signatures on the petition before we can send it in. And again, I am also desperate for letters, and faxes to be sent to the governor and the Texas Pardons and Parole Board as well.

I feel that the more who know about this and participate in it, the better it will be for all inmates who face death, not just my brother. Up until this point, we have done what we have been told to do…’sit back, and let the system work.’ BUT the system has failed my brother,failed his daughter, and failed those of us who love him.Now we are just desperate!

Your help, guidance, and consideration to this matter will be greatly appreciated. ..more than you will ever know!

Please feel free to contact me if you need to, but if you could pass on that info I would be extremely appreciative!

I thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter! Again, your help will be greatly appreciated! God Bless You All and thank you for all that you do!!!!

In struggle,

Terri Been B.S., M. Ed

Athletic Director

210-887-2190 or 512-556-5674

P.S. I am very tired and worn out, so please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors as I just cannot seem to think these days!

Here is one of the comments from the on-line petition:

(This comment comes from a man whom I do do not know, and he is pro-death penalty, but he was interested enough to do the research on it before he signed it…please read…)

Jun 9, 2008, Jack Kelley, Texas

Yes, I am very much in favor of the death penalty. But this case does not warrant execution. This man was outside of the store in the car, when his partner committed murder inside the store. I researched the case, including Wood’s appeal, on official State of Texas websites. I showed it to an excellent attorney who told me that Wood’s
representation was lacking, and on the merits, this man should not have gotten the death penalty, nor should the death penalty have been upheld on appeal.

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